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The Third Arab Land Conference

Main Organiser

Ministry of National Territory, Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy

18 February 2025 - 20 February 2025

Rabat, Morocco


Website Link

The Conference is an important milestone in advancing good land governance for the achievement of social, economic, environmental and peace dividends in the Arab region. It aims at sharing knowledge on good practices and innovations, developing the capacities, and promoting collaboration and coordination among land stakeholders. It offers a platform to discuss country experiences, present new research, direct and inform investments and foster high level commitment to improve the land sector.

The overall theme of the Conference is “Land solutions for investments, resilience and innovation”. The topics to be addressed are:

  1. Innovation and smart solutions for land management, property registration, and sustainable investments
  2. Housing, land and property solutions for displacement and crisis
  3. Women and land
  4. Land for housing and slum transformation
  5. Land for food security and climate action
  6. Unlocking the potential of the private sector
  7. Land-based financing solutions

Event description based directly on original source.

Conference Partners


Land Portal

International Land Coalition


Netherlands' RVO

League of Arab States





The World Bank

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