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Southern African Conference for Artificial Intelligence Research (SACAIR 2024)

Main Organiser

Centre for AI Research

2 December 2024 - 6 December 2024

University of the Free State, Nelson Mandela Drive, Park West, Bloemfontein, South Africa


Website Link

The Southern African Conference on AI Research is pleased to announce SACAIR 2024, the Southern African Artificial Intelligence Conference: Artificial Intelligence for Societal Impact. Artificial Intelligence has indeed made significant strides in sifting information and offering targeted solutions to real-world challenges. The advancement of responsible AI research is of paramount importance, as the role of AI in shaping our future societies cannot be overstated.


However, the conversion of these advancements into tangible outcomes in our immediate contexts is often not achieved, particularly in areas where societal hardships persist due to the complex interplay of socio-political, economic, historical, and environmental realities. This year’s conference is therefore centred on exploring the actual societal impact delivered by artificial intelligence, beyond its potential promises and from all scientific perspectives.


This multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary conference is the premium, annual AI conference in Southern Africa. The conference will bring together nationally and internationally established and emerging researchers from various disciplines, including Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Informatics, Humanities and Philosophy. As in the past, the focus is on growing a formidable network of talented students working in AI from across Africa.


Event description based directly on the source.

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Conference Partners

University of the Free State

Southern African Conference for Artificial Intelligence Research

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