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New Frontiers of Urban Informality Research

Main Organiser

DSA Urbanisation and Development Study Group

12 September 2024 - 13 September 2024

The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK


Website Link

Urban informality is a pervasive and defining feature of contemporary urbanism, particularly in the Global South. Interdisciplinary scholarship has significantly advanced our understanding of its origins, evolution, and multifaceted manifestations, as well as its profound impacts on politics, institutions, livelihoods, and everyday life. Concurrently, governments, civil society, and international organisations are increasingly recognising the importance of addressing informality, thus placing pertinent questions on the policy agenda.


This workshop aims to build upon these developments by convening practitioners and researchers from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to explore urban informality comprehensively. Through presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, participants will share insights, experiences, and strategies, fostering a deeper understanding of urban informality and laying the groundwork for future research collaborations. By establishing a network of engaged scholars and practitioners, this workshop seeks to catalyse further enquiry and action in addressing the challenges posed by urban informality.


Abstract based directly on source.

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