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Knowledge Sharing Event on Climate Responsive and Resilient Urban Planning and Mainstreaming

Main Organiser

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research


2 December 2024

09:30 - 15:00


Website Link

You are invited to attend a knowledge-sharing event on climate responsive and resilient urban planning, aimed at deepening knowledge-sharing and peer-learning among local and national stakeholders on climate-responsive planning and mainstreaming.

The event will also facilitate the institutionalisation of the Guideline on Mainstreaming Climate Responsiveness and Resilience into Planning.

The Guideline empowers municipalities to systematically embed climate resilience priorities into their planning processes, fostering resilient, adaptable, and sustainable urban development in the face of climate change impacts.

The institutionalisation of this Guideline by key government partners underscores the importance of climate change adaptation and resilience in urban planning. It demonstrates a government-wide commitment to working together to address the challenges posed by climate change and create more resilient and liveable cities for all.

All local municipalities, and government stakeholders involved in planning, and climate responsiveness are invited to attend.

Event description is based directly on the source

Conference Resources

Website References

Conference Partners

National Treasury’s Cities Support Programme

Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE)

Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA)

Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD)

South African Local Government Association (SALGA)

South African Cities Network (SACN)

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