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GCRO Paper presentation on Integrative future-oriented approaches for transformative socio-environmental change

Main Organiser

American Association of Geographers

27 March 2025

16:00 - 17:30

Online Conference

Website Link

GCRO will participate in a panel discussion on Integrative, future-oriented approaches for transformative socio-environmental change at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting.

This session seeks proposals from interdisciplinary teams addressing these open questions by embracing complexity, engaging diverse stakeholders, synthesizing interdisciplinary mixed methods, and creating space for dialogue, reflection, and visioning. GCRO is particularly interested in work that pioneers new methods to integrate “big” data with “deep” qualitative data to understand socio-environmental system transformation across multiple scales. Also of interest are examples of normative backcasting, futures thinking, prospective/foresight research, participatory action research, or exploratory modeling approaches to deepen understanding of and/or implement transformative pathways in socio-environmental systems.

Event description based directly on original source.

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