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From Commitment to Action

Main Organiser

Land Portal

23 September 2024

08:30 - 10:00


Website Link

Countries are increasingly turning to multilateral funds as a way to drive impactful change. These funds, born from collaborative efforts among multiple nations or organizations, hold the potential to unleash massive amounts of resources to combat pressing crises by supporting Indigenous Peoples, local communities and Afro-descendant Peoples who steward and value our primary forests. Despite their global commitments, these funds often struggle to deliver their support swiftly enough to their intended recipients. As territorial funds proliferate in the climate finance ecosystem, our upcoming hybrid webinar will dissect the role of multilateral mechanisms in this evolving landscape.

As countries embark on moving away from fossil fuels and overconsumption of natural resources, communities are increasingly forced to relinquish their land to make way for the green transition. Indigenous Peoples and local communities are questioning whether multilateral funders can keep up with the demand for direct access and fit-for-purpose funding. Moreover, can multi-laterals tailor their systems for diverse communities on the frontlines that govern large territories of land, with differing cultural inheritances?  Amidst a crowded and complex global climate finance structure, how could multi-laterals engage with the territorial funds? We will delve into the role of multi-laterals funds to carve out a pertinent and influential role in a modern financing ecosystem and whether multi-laterals can be held accountable to their promises. 

Event description based directly on source.

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Tenure Facility

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