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ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Africa Conference & Expo

Main Organiser

ESG Africa Conference

1 October 2024 - 2 October 2024

Sandton Convention Centre, Maude Street, Sandown, Sandton, South Africa


Website Link

Prepare to engage with the most influential and forward-thinking minds from across Africa at the ESG Africa Conference. This gathering empowers leaders to spearhead a sustainable future by addressing the challenges of embedding ESG practises within organisations. Under the theme "Sustainable Future Through Leadership," industry pioneers and experts will convene to explore crucial strategies.

Discover an agenda brimming with insightful sessions, expert-led discussions, and innovative presentations focused on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. Keynote addresses from renowned thought leaders, in-depth panel discussions, and interactive workshops will offer practical solutions to current ESG challenges.

This event presents a unique opportunity to shape Africa's sustainable trajectory. Join the change-makers and equip yourself to drive meaningful impact in the realm of ESG practises and leadership.


Abstract based directly on original source.

Conference Partners

South African Breweries Limited (SAB)

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