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Covid-19 exposes water scarcity as a governance problem

Main Organiser


18 June 2020

13:00 - 14:00


Website Link

The world water crisis predates the coronavirus pandemic. This crisis manifests in many ways in that nearly one billion people lack access to potable water and improved sanitation; millions of farmers are in need of small-scale infrastructure to ensure enough water for their crops should the rains fail, and cities are simultaneously on the brink of running out of water while urban dwellers stand knee-deep in rainy-season flood water.


Efforts to overcome these problems have taken many forms, with Sustainable Development Goal 6—water and sanitation for all—being the most recent framework for action. Yet, problems persist.


In this webinar, we focus on lessons from the coronavirus pandemic for addressing the world’s water crisis. Participants will draw their examples from the SADC region and the wider world.


Description based directly on the original source

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