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AIPH World Green City Awards Ceremony 2024

Main Organiser

International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH)

25 September 2024 - 24 October 2024

Jaarbeurs, Jaarbeursplein, Utrecht, Netherlands

Professional Event

Website Link

The AIPH World Green City Awards 2024 heralds a celebration of global excellence in urban sustainability, showcasing pioneering initiatives across seven distinct categories. From the curated selection of 21 Finalists, a distinguished Jury will discern the category winners, culminating in the prestigious Grand Winner. A special Youth Jury will also honour a standout finalist with the Youth Award, highlighting innovation and dedication towards sustainable urban development.

The Awards ceremony, a centrepiece of the inaugural Future Green City World Congress, promises an evening of recognition and inspiration. Scheduled for September 25th, 2024, at the Royal Jaarbeurs in Utrecht, Netherlands, the gala dinner will unite over 3000 international experts. Together, they will explore and shape the future landscape of sustainable cities, underscoring a collective commitment to environmental stewardship and urban resilience.


Abstract based directly on original source.

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