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Africa Housing Forum

Main Organiser

Habitat for Humanity International

12 May 2022 - 14 May 2022

Safari Park Hotel, safari park hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya

Hybrid event

Website Link

The first ever Africa Housing Forum took place at the Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi from 12 to 14 May 2022, hosted by Habitat for Humanity International, in collaboration with partner organisations and institutions. The Housing Forum will involve practitioners and stakeholders who will come together to tackle issues, discuss solutions and promote low-cost, affordable housing as a driver of economic growth in the African region.

The Africa Housing Forum aims to provide a space for housing sector players to learn, collaborate and maximise our collective efforts to position housing as a key driver of economic growth, sustainable cities, and communities and promote innovation in the industry.

Participants included influential business leaders, policymakers, academics, urban planners, architects, property developers, key representatives from the public sector, international organisations, non-governmental organisations, donor agencies, social enterprises, housing finance organisations, technology companies, youth organisations, researchers, advocates, and others.


The Africa Housing Forum Report that summarises the historical occasion that had attendees from 25 African countries and 22 other countries from across the world is now available.  

Abstract based directly on source


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