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9th Annual Affordable Housing Africa

Main Organiser

Marcus Evans

17 March 2025 - 19 March 2025

NH Johannesburg Sandton Hotel

Johannesburg, South Africa


Website Link

The future of affordable housing in Africa is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. Rapid urbanisation, population growth, and economic challenges have led to a significant housing deficit across the continent.

According to recent estimates, countries in Africa are facing a critical shortage of homes, underscoring the urgent need for innovative solutions. Affordable housing in Africa is an imperative response to the continent’s dynamic demographic shifts, economic aspirations, and urbanisation challenges. The burgeoning urban populations, coupled with rapid rural-to-urban migration, intensify the demand for housing, creating shortages and escalating costs.

With Africa’s youthful population entering the workforce and forming households, the need for accessible and affordable housing becomes paramount. As governments and stakeholders commit to addressing this challenge through policy frameworks and initiatives, affordable housing emerges as a linchpin for sustainable urban development and an avenue for responsible investment in the continent’s future. Innovations in housing and urban development trends hold the key to addressing this crisis.

The conference delves into the future trends and innovations shaping affordable housing in Africa. Various aspects such as urban planning strategies, advanced construction technologies, and collaborative approaches between government and private sectors are explored. The conference provides valuable insights into how these elements can collectively contribute to solving Africa’s housing challenges. Despite potential challenges, the affordable housing market is gaining momentum in 2025 and beyond.

This event provides a one-stop platform to gain insights and experience first-hand the latest innovations and opportunities in the housing market, improve productivity, gain access to affordable finance, expand the scope of projects, expand access to data, enhance collaboration, and accelerate the provision of housing.

Event description based directly on the source.

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