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32nd International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2025)

Main Organiser

Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG)

16 August 2025 - 22 August 2025

Vancouver, Canada


Website Link

Over millennia, maps have been a fundamental invention of humanity, developing into crucial tools that shape our view of the world and our grasp of reality. As we approach 2025, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the widespread adoption of online mapping services, a milestone that highlights the integration of information technology, digital communications, and Geographic Information Science (GIScience). This integration has not only maintained the core principles of cartographic art and science but also elevated maps to a ubiquitous status, playing a pivotal role in modelling, planning, communication, and action in the modern era.

The youngest attendees of this conference may seldom have interacted with a traditional paper map. Conversely, there is a segment of participants dedicated to unveiling the concealed insights within historical map archives. Bridging these groups are individuals who consistently engage in applying, investigating, or enhancing Cartography and GIScience.

It is truly inspiring to see this conference uniting such a diverse group of participants to mingle, collaborate, network, and share ideas and practices. This collective effort aims to foster innovation and expand the frontiers of Cartography and GIScience, steering it towards an inclusive and sustainable future in our interconnected world.

The are looking forward to welcoming participants to Vancouver, the largest city in Western Canada, where the fusion of urban sophistication, culture richness, and natural beauty provides the perfect backdrop for this conference that only a map could devise.

Event description is based directly on the source.

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