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Wayne Mallinson

South Africa



  • Education
  • Information Technology


Wayne’s experiences provide him with a good background for teaching and facilitating innovation: 

·        (1976 - 1979)  BSc, and BSc honours in Geology from Rhodes University

·        (1980 - 1982)  National Service in the School of Engineers

·        (1982 - 1988)  Mining Geologist - Zimbabwe (increased discovered ore reserves 10-fold at Angwa shaft) and South Africa (automated mine planning – planning productivity up 480-fold)

·        (1989 - 1990)  Diploma in Datametrics - UNISA

·        (1988 - 1995)  Information Technology companies – Defence-related, and then commercial where he initiated a successful testing division.

·        (1995 - 2010) Managing Director at Test and Data Services (Pty) Ltd

o   Certified Testing Practitioner

o   Initiated industry software testing magazine (2000)

o   Initiated training in software testing (2000)

o   Spoke at multiple testing conferences – US, UK, Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand

o   Established Gauteng and Western Cape Special Interest Groups in Software Testing

o   Introduced Test automation framework in RSA – after attending seminar in the US

o   Fellow of the IITPSA – Institute for Information Technology Professionals South Africa (2017)

o   (2009 - 2011) studied an Executive MBA at the Business School of Cape Town University – currently working on the completion of dissertation - ‘Supplier Delivery of Software Testing Services in the Complex IT Project Environments of Large South African Corporations’