Mario Marais
South Africa
Principal Researcher
- Academia
- Chemistry
- Education
- Information Technology
- Operations Research
- Social Science and Related Work
MSc (Physical Chemistry), cum laude
MTh (Systematic Theology), University of South Africa, 2002
“Social capital in the Village Operator model for rural broadband internet access and use”
Principal Researcher, CSIR Meraka Institute (2015-present) https://www.csir.co.za/
Interests are:
Systemic approaches to developing the capacity of organisations and communities to adapt to and embrace change. An example is the use of social community mapping. The use of ICT for development and community informatics. Monitoring and Evaluation of projects. Problem structuring via soft operations research techniques. The study of decision-making and knowledge management. CSIR profile: https://www.csir.co.za/mario-marais