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Chéri Green

South Africa

Senior Town and Regional Planner


  • City and Regional Planning
  • Geography
  • Geospatial Information Science and Technology
  • Research
  • Transportation Planning
  • Urban and Regional Planning


Specialist Town and Regional Planner involved with facility location planning, spatial planning, facility provision norms, land use and accessibility. Major focus is related to the accessibility of social facilities with respect to their target demand groups and the relationship to spatial  and settlement planning, density and the transport network. She has been involved with the development and publication of location guidelines and norms for social facility provision in settlements in urban and rural areas for over 15 years. She had extensive experience in conducting and managing large scale accessibility and service access planning projects that are aimed at  ensuring optimal location and prioritised investment in key social facilities for cities, provinces and national departments. Other research includes: development of spatially relevant social indicators, community profiling and citizen segmentation to support planning related decision making; planning and analysis of cities with respect to transit orientated corridor and node development; and transport and mobility planning for rural areas.